Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Buenos dias

Good morning!

Buenos dias means good morning (click on the link for sound)

Yet another phrase that can be used on its own.

Now we have learnt a few words. It is time to look backward a little bit. I wish I did that but I didn't. There is a few things I need to be able to do.

  1. Given the Spanish word, what is the English word for it.
  2. Given an English word, what is the Spanish word for it.
  3. Given a Spanish sound, what is the Spanish word for it.
  4. Given a Spanish word, what is the Spanish sound for it.
Yes, it is that simple, to be good in Spanish, we must be able to do this, and I think it is an easy job so far (we only have four words right now), but it will get harder and harder as we proceed. 

The key to success for me is to keep doing exercises (it is okay for the exercise to be repeated) at regular interval. Doing 10 problems per day for 10 days is better than doing 100 problems a day and rest for the rest. 

Online services so far do a really poor job on giving 2 for now, which I really need, I will see what can I do about that.

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